Curriculum Profile Bachelor of Law

Currently, legal education in Indonesia is centered on the cognitive aspect, which results in practical aspects and social issues in society not being fully explored. In the ture, it is necessary to adapt learning methods that are in line with technological developments and in accordance with the character of students and efforts to formulate learning outcomes. Legal education must change in line with the needs of a more globalized legal profession. The next challenge is that law schools must teach national law but also law at an international level. With the advancement of technology, law students in the current generation are required to master different abilities from the previous generation. Therefore, the skills and abilities to utilize various kinds of technology are things that must be possessed by every student. The Law Study Program of the University of Nusa Putra is here to answer various challenges in the development of practical aspects and social issues of society that change along with the changing times that occur due to technological disruption.

Career Prospect of Graduates

With a learning concept that applied, the graduate of the Program Study Of Law Nusa Putra University mastering practical concepts in the field of law according to special legal expertise which is his choice deep. In addition, graduates too able to prepare formulas law in an effort to resolve procedural problems for each legal events that occur in the midst of society with the interests of society, nation and country.

Specific legal expertise in question consists of practical skills in settlement of legal cases, as well as academic skills in effort development of legal science and development of national law. In general, the competence of graduates Program Studies of Law Nusa Putra University are as follows:


  1. Legal Practitioners which include legal practice field good in the agency environment law enforcement and career independent;
  2. Professionals that include all jobs in the field good law in the company private and owned companies country;
  3. Academics covering the fields of research and legal education.

Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives (PEO)

Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki pemahaman ilmu hukum, mengembangkan
penalaran dan kemampuan profesional di bidang hukum baik dalam bidang komunikasi maupun kepemimpinan dengan beradaptasi mengikuti perkembangan
zaman sebagai Jaksa, Hakim, Polisi, Pengacara dan Profesi lainnya.
Produce graduates who have an understanding of law, develop reasoning and
professional abilities in the field of law both in the field of communication and leadership by adapting to the times as prosecutors, judges, police, lawyers and other professions.


Menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu melakukan analisa dan pengkajian perkembangan ilmu hukum baik dalam hukum formil dan materil yang diaplikasikan dalam penyelesaian masalah yang terjadi di masyarakat
Produce graduates who are able to analyze and study the development of legal science
both in formal and material law which is applied in solving problems that occur in society


Menghasilkan lulusan yang berdaya saing sebagai akademisi dibidang hukum baik dalam ruang lingkup penelitian maupun pengabdian masyarakat sebagai Profesi Dosen maupun Ahli Hukum.
Produce graduates who are competitive as academics in the field of law, both in the scope of research and community service as Lecturers and Legal Experts.