
Law Study Program of Nusa Putra University is a bachelor’s degree (S1) study program that organizes higher education in law to produce a professional and character Bachelor of Law (SH). The Nusa Putra University Law Study Program obtained an operational permit on February 8, 2018 along with the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Decree number: 108 / KPT / I / 2018 concerning the Change of the Nusa Putra Technology College to Nusa Putra University and was declared accredited by BAN-PT on January 10, 2018. Since the 2018-2019 academic year, the Nusa Putra University Law Study Program has begun accepting new students.

The Nusa Putra University Law Study Program focuses on developing student careers in the field of law. The curriculum is designed with a system of 2.5 years of study on campus and 1.5 years off campus which is taught by lecturers and law practitioners in an interactive method. Thus, students of the Nusa Putra University Law Study Program will go through a learning process that integrates courses that emphasize theoretical and practical thinking patterns in order to be able to carry out the profession that will be carried out later after graduating from college.